Planning Policy 4.6 – Signs

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Revised Planning Policy 4.6 – Signs

Current situation

After an extensive review and consultation process, Council adopted an updated Planning Policy 4.6 - Signs at its Ordinary Meeting on 24 September 2024. This represents a significant update to the Policy that was last amended in 2016.

The revised Planning Policy 4.6 - Signs is now in effect and is available on the City's webpage: Planning policies and precinct plans

The revised policy applies to new signage within the Scheme Area for the City of Perth City Planning Scheme No.2 and seeks to ensure new signage is well designed and makes a positive contribution to the city.

The focus of the Signs Policy is to support businesses by providing guidance in the provision of signage that supports the identification and promotion of businesses, organisations, and buildings

The policy incorporates a place-based approach to planning for the City, providing guidance on the size and type of signs depending on the character and strategic direction of the City’s neighbourhoods, and covers all aspects of signage including business and third-party advertising.

Revised policy objectives

• Ensure that signs within the city:

o achieve a high level of design quality and are comprised of durable materials;

o achieve a clear and concise message;

o respond to and complement the architecture of the building to which they are attached and its setting;

o protect the cultural heritage significance of a heritage protected place through appropriate design, materials, and scale;

o are coordinated in a manner that does not lead to visual clutter on and around the building and streetscape;

o protect view corridors, natural landscape, and where applicable the city skyline;

o appear incidental to their surroundings and do not dominate the streetscape or structure to which they are attached; and

o do not adversely affect the safety and amenity of building occupants, road users, and the general public by virtue of their location, design, use or function.

• Ensure sign(s) respect and promote the existing and/or desired character of the City’s neighbourhoods and precincts as outlined in the City’s Local Planning Strategy and Planning Scheme.

• Encourage the rationalisation of existing signs within the city in a manner that is consistent with the objectives above.

Summary of key changes

Policy Objectives and Principles
Policy Provisions
  • Modifications to the existing objectives to clarify design and content expectations.
  • Inclusion of new provisions to strengthen the place-based approach.
  • Inclusion of Neighbourhood and Area-Specific Principles to guide and support place-based assessment and decision making.

  • Changes to the order and layout of policy provisions to improve flow and readability.
  • Inclusion of new example signage diagrams and their definitions to help differentiate between sign types.
  • Exempt signs and their parameters are provided in a table format for ease of reference.
  • Improved provisions to provide clarity on the acceptable size and location of third-party advertising, and animated and variable content signs.
  • Removal of redundant or duplicate policy provisions and areas.
  • Removal of wall murals as a consideration under the policy as they are not considered to be advertising signs.
  • Example diagrams and explanation for acceptable and unacceptable signage on heritage buildings.


On 21 November 2023 the Council resolved to advertise draft revised City Planning Scheme No.2 Planning Policy 4.6 – Signs for public comment.

How can I have my say?

CLOSED: This survey closed at 5pm Friday 19 January 2024.

Revised Planning Policy 4.6 – Signs

Current situation

After an extensive review and consultation process, Council adopted an updated Planning Policy 4.6 - Signs at its Ordinary Meeting on 24 September 2024. This represents a significant update to the Policy that was last amended in 2016.

The revised Planning Policy 4.6 - Signs is now in effect and is available on the City's webpage: Planning policies and precinct plans

The revised policy applies to new signage within the Scheme Area for the City of Perth City Planning Scheme No.2 and seeks to ensure new signage is well designed and makes a positive contribution to the city.

The focus of the Signs Policy is to support businesses by providing guidance in the provision of signage that supports the identification and promotion of businesses, organisations, and buildings

The policy incorporates a place-based approach to planning for the City, providing guidance on the size and type of signs depending on the character and strategic direction of the City’s neighbourhoods, and covers all aspects of signage including business and third-party advertising.

Revised policy objectives

• Ensure that signs within the city:

o achieve a high level of design quality and are comprised of durable materials;

o achieve a clear and concise message;

o respond to and complement the architecture of the building to which they are attached and its setting;

o protect the cultural heritage significance of a heritage protected place through appropriate design, materials, and scale;

o are coordinated in a manner that does not lead to visual clutter on and around the building and streetscape;

o protect view corridors, natural landscape, and where applicable the city skyline;

o appear incidental to their surroundings and do not dominate the streetscape or structure to which they are attached; and

o do not adversely affect the safety and amenity of building occupants, road users, and the general public by virtue of their location, design, use or function.

• Ensure sign(s) respect and promote the existing and/or desired character of the City’s neighbourhoods and precincts as outlined in the City’s Local Planning Strategy and Planning Scheme.

• Encourage the rationalisation of existing signs within the city in a manner that is consistent with the objectives above.

Summary of key changes

Policy Objectives and Principles
Policy Provisions
  • Modifications to the existing objectives to clarify design and content expectations.
  • Inclusion of new provisions to strengthen the place-based approach.
  • Inclusion of Neighbourhood and Area-Specific Principles to guide and support place-based assessment and decision making.

  • Changes to the order and layout of policy provisions to improve flow and readability.
  • Inclusion of new example signage diagrams and their definitions to help differentiate between sign types.
  • Exempt signs and their parameters are provided in a table format for ease of reference.
  • Improved provisions to provide clarity on the acceptable size and location of third-party advertising, and animated and variable content signs.
  • Removal of redundant or duplicate policy provisions and areas.
  • Removal of wall murals as a consideration under the policy as they are not considered to be advertising signs.
  • Example diagrams and explanation for acceptable and unacceptable signage on heritage buildings.


On 21 November 2023 the Council resolved to advertise draft revised City Planning Scheme No.2 Planning Policy 4.6 – Signs for public comment.

How can I have my say?

CLOSED: This survey closed at 5pm Friday 19 January 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Closed 5pm Friday 19th January 2024

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Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 10:58 AM