Why are these works required?
The development of the shared path will connect pedestrians and cyclists from Stirling Highway to Aberdare Road. With the completion of Stage 2 of the project this connection will link to the Mitchell Freeway.
What do you need to know?
• The City will advertise and communicate the shutdown through regular our media channels including Engage Perth, notification emails, social posts and community newsletters. On site signage will be installed advising in advance of the shutdowns, detours and duration of the works.
• Detour maps for pedestrians and cyclists will be available for distribution. Information on these detours will be shared though our social media channels and will also be available by contacting the City of Perth on info@cityofperth.wa.gov.au or via phone on 9461 3333
How can I find out more information?
Please refer the attached documents under the "Documents" tab and sign up to our newsletter via the link on the right-hand side to be notified of any updates!