Why have road safety improvements been considered for Terrace Road?

    Following investigations and an independent Road Safety Audit, several issues were identified, including:

    • Crash History

    More than 40 crashes have occurred on Terrace Road between Victoria Street to Plain Street in the last 5 years. A high proportion of these crashes were linked to frequent vehicle movements to and from driveways and parking bays.

    • Traffic Speeds

    Traffic data revealed that most drivers are exceeding the 50 km/h speed limit along Terrace Road.  

    • Sight Distance Problems at the Intersections

    On street parking is blocking driver’s vision as they exit Hill Street, Burt Way, Bennett Street and Plain Street onto Terrace Road. 

    • Lack of Pedestrian Crossing Locations 

    Crossing Terrace Road during busy times is quite a challenge for pedestrians due to a lack of pedestrian ramps and the width of the street.

    What traffic calming measures have been proposed for Terrace Road?

    • Installation of raised plateaus between Victoria Avenue and Plain Streets
    • A continuous painted median between Victoria Avenue and Plain Street with islands at key locations
    • Footpath extensions and extended paving to narrow the road and create new pedestrian crossing points
    • Localised removal of parking bays at intersections and driveways for improved sight lines

    How will these modifications on Terrace Road impact local residents and business?

    The traffic calming treatments proposed for Terrace Road will provide an effective solution to the safety issues while minimising the impacts to the local community.

    Works will be stages to minimise disruption to the businesses and properties, however some unavoidable disruption may occur.

    How will the parking be affected on Terrace Road?

    This project requires removal of up to 60 existing on-street parking bays on Terrace Road and two existing on-street parking bays on Plain Street. 

    The need to remove existing on-street parking bays is to improve access for pedestrians to cross the street as well as to address existing sight line issues caused by parked cars close to intersections and driveways.

    Why has the section of Terrace Road between Governors Avenue and Victoria Avenue not been selected for improvement?

    Modifications in this section of Terrace Road will be incorporated into the future redevelopment of the site as part of the State Government’s new Aboriginal Cultural Centre project.

    More information about the Aboriginal Cultural Centre can be found on the Department of Local Government, Sports, and Cultural Industries website:


    When will construction of the project commence?

    Construction for this project is scheduled to commence in mid-May 2024. 

    More details and other project updates will be provided on this website.

    How will I be kept informed about progress of the project?

    Updates will be provided on Engage Perth as the project progresses.