Where is the exact location of this project?

    The project works extend along the length Spring Street between Mounts Bay Road and Mount Street, including the Mounts Bay Road intersection.

    Will trees have to be removed?

    No trees will be removed as part of this project, the works will take place entirely within the road corridor.

    Will trees be planted during the works?

    The City of Perth is currently looking at the opportunity to plant new verge street trees in this area as part of the works. Tree species will be selected for climate resilience and their potential to improve amenity and comfort of pedestrians and cyclists.

    Will I still be able access adjacent properties during the works?

    Yes, access will be maintained to these areas throughout the works. At some stages of the works, traffic management will be in place.

    What does this project aim to achieve?

    This project aims to provide more active transport options in, out and around the CBD, as well as reduce traffic congestion along Spring Street.

    Has the Whadjuk Heritage of the area been considered?

    The Whadjuk knowledge holders have been consulted on the works for the City of Perth to better understand the Traditional Heritage of the land. The response to the proposal was positive with the knowledge holders who encouraged the modern connectivity and safety improvements. The City of Perth will continue to work with these knowledge holders to ensure that the disruption to the land is minimal and that the Whadjuk story can be shared with future visitors.

    How do I ask a question or provide feedback?

    For general queries related to this project, please submit your question at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you with an answer.

    For urgent construction or site related queries please contact MG Group directly via Nick Menchetti – 0412 855 443