General Project FAQs
Where is the exact location of this project?
The project works extend from Fitzgerald Street in the west to Stirling Street in the east, and includes the installation of new underground services and landscape enhancement to this entire area of Roe Street.
What does this project aim to achieve? (What is the end result/what will it look like?)
The end result will be a greatly enhanced Roe Street landscape, including improvements to vehicle flow and cycle lane facilities, along with considerable ‘greening’ through planting of 200+ trees and the widening of footpaths to enhance pedestrian movement and overall public space.
Will businesses still be able to trade as normal during the construction?
Yes, the works will be managed to mitigate impact on businesses along Roe Street and the surrounding area with appropriate traffic, cycle and pedestrian management in place. The works are being delivered in multiple stages, including after-hours works where necessary, to minimise disruption.
Access to businesses will be maintained at all times during trading/operating hours.
How will I be kept informed about progress of the project?
Up-to-date information is available via the Engage Perth website ( Businesses will also be notified directly where appropriate.
Why are the works being completed in multiple different sections? (Why can’t one section be completed at the same time?)
The works are being staged so as to minimise the impact on the full length of the project area and adjoining businesses at any one point in time – including to enable the necessary traffic, cycle and pedestrian management to be implemented in smaller manageable sections to keep Roe Street flowing.
I normally park on Roe Street, where else can I park?
All on-street parking on Roe Street will be progressively closed as the works progress, with new on-street parking being provided as part of the upgraded street design once complete. Alternative parking is available in surrounding streets and car park facilities, including the City of Perth’s Roe Street and Cultural Centre multi-story car parks.
Will I still be able to cycle along Roe Street during construction?
Yes, temporary diversion of the pedestrian and cycle shared path will be provided on the southern side of Roe Street to maintain pedestrian and cycle movement. New dedicated cycle lane facilities are being provided in the completed works.
Will there be parking bays, loading zones, or bus stops retained or added in the redevelopment?
A new on-street parking layout, including loading zones, is being provided in the completed works, however overall parking numbers are being reduced as part of the enhanced landscape environment.
There are no existing or new bus routes along this section of Roe Street.
I have a driveway or access point off Roe Street, will I still be able to access it during construction? (Parking, loading/unloading rubbish collection etc.)
Yes, driveway and building access points will be maintained during the works, however where works are required to be completed in these locations (for example, new paving in front of doorways and driveways), the project team will coordinate directly with you to agree an acceptable time to ensure access is available when needed.
Was the community consulted on this project?
Yes, the Roe Masterplan design was issued for public consultation in 2019. The Masterplan was adopted by City of Perth Council in December 2019.
How do I ask a question or provide feedback?
For general queries related to this project, please submit your question at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you with an answer.
If you urgently need to contact the contractor for an immediate response, please phone the Civcon Project Management:
Justin de Mello - Civcon Project Manager
0401 941 438 link)