Where is the exact location of the project?
The project is located at the corner of Wellington Street and the Mitchell Freeway offramp within the RAC plot.
Will I be able to access the current principal shared path (PSP) during the works?
Yes, cyclist access from the PSP exiting Mitchell Freeway will be maintained. Short term closures along Market Street are required to undertake the tie in works to connect to the new bike path section. Please follow pedestrian and traffic management signage.
Will the bike path behind RAC Arena remain open?
Where possible the back bike path will remain open during construction, noting it shall be closed by RAC Arena intermittently for events. Once the new bike path connection is finished the back bike path will be closed permanently.
What does this project aim to achieve?
The increased connectivity of the new bike path along the corner of RAC Arena aims to reduce conflict between pedestrians and cyclists.