RAC Arena Safety and Connectivity Improvements

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The RAC Arena Cycling Safety and Connectivity Improvements are undertaken as part of the Perth City Deal and CBD Transport Plan. Working with the Department of Transport, Venues West and RAC Arena the City of Perth is committed to providing cycling connectivity improvements at the south-western corner of the RAC Arena as illustrated below.

The objectives of the cycle lane connectivity improvements include;

• Reducing conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists

• Provide clearer routes for users

• Improving wayfinding and path legibility for navigation around the CBD

To facilitate the construction works a temporary cyclist detour as per the attached map is required. This detour will be in place from the 22 may 2024 until 5 June 2024. Please ensure you follow all pedestrian and traffic management signs.

Note: Due to inclement weather experienced the current detour has been extended to until the 12 June 2024. We apologise for the inconvenience and thankyou for your patience.

The RAC Arena Cycling Safety and Connectivity Improvements are undertaken as part of the Perth City Deal and CBD Transport Plan. Working with the Department of Transport, Venues West and RAC Arena the City of Perth is committed to providing cycling connectivity improvements at the south-western corner of the RAC Arena as illustrated below.

The objectives of the cycle lane connectivity improvements include;

• Reducing conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists

• Provide clearer routes for users

• Improving wayfinding and path legibility for navigation around the CBD

To facilitate the construction works a temporary cyclist detour as per the attached map is required. This detour will be in place from the 22 may 2024 until 5 June 2024. Please ensure you follow all pedestrian and traffic management signs.

Note: Due to inclement weather experienced the current detour has been extended to until the 12 June 2024. We apologise for the inconvenience and thankyou for your patience.

Page last updated: 04 Jun 2024, 10:31 AM