Why are we doing this?

    The current irrigation system has poor watering uniformity and does not meet the required industry benchmark of 85% distribution uniformity.

    What can I expect to see during the works?

    The works will involve the use of machinery including a directional drill machine and excavators. Trenches will be opened up each day to install the new pipework, backfilled and the turf replaced each day. Small areas of the park will be worked on at any one time so there will continue to be spaces for recreation.

    What are the benefits of this project?

    The replacement irrigation system has been designed to ensure all gardens and turf areas can be irrigated independently (hydrozoning), ensuring that a high level water efficiency is achieved.

    How long will the works take?

    The works are anticipated to take Six (6) weeks, subject to weather. The protection of the park and horticultural assets is key for this project. If ground conditions are not favourable for equipment movement there may be some delays to the project.

    Why are we doing this now?

    By undertaking works at the start of spring we anticipate that, when completed these areas will re-establish quickly and will retain their high amenity value.