Where can I find the map?
The map with viewing information will be available to downloaded at visitperth.com or viewed on our Facebook event page.
What time does everything start?
The event will commence at 5pm each night with roving entertainment, workshops, water jet pack shows (Saturday only) and food trucks. Each night, the event will conclude with a drone show over the Swan River accompanied by a narrated soundtrack.
What is the best viewing location?
To ensure visibility of the drones please look at the recommended viewing map on visitperth.com or the Facebook event listing. The best viewing will be Elizabeth Quay Inlet, and Barrack Square as marked on the maps.
Can you view the show from other areas along the Swan River / South Perth / Kings Park?
For the best experience, the City of Perth encourages viewing the drone show from Elizabeth Quay or Barrack Square. The drone show has not been designed to be viewed from other locations and therefore the images will be reversed or viewing may be restricted from areas such as South Perth or Kings Park. If viewed from areas outside of Elizabeth Quay or Barrack Square, the audience will be unable to hear the narrated soundtrack or have access to event facilities.
How do I recover lost items or missing children during the City of Light Show?
If you have lost an item or belonging when visiting one of the shows, you can check with security personnel who will be present at the shows, or contact info.city@cityofperth.wa.gov.au to see if any items were handed in to staff after the show. There is one medical post located on Geoffrey Bolton Avenue near Gusto Gelato, and medical officers will rove throughout the event during the night.
Where is the closest parking?
You can visit the City of Perth Parking website to determine the closest parking locations. The website displays real time bay availability, parking fees and ACROD parking. The closest parking available is CPP Terrace Road (165 Terrace Road), CPP Concert Hall (Terrace Road) and CPP Convention Centre (21 Mounts Bay Road). Please be advised if parking at the CPP Convention Centre Car Park, the pedestrian and vehicle exit at Riverside Drive will be closed during event hours – access via Mounts Bay Road and crossing at the traffic lights at William Street will safely get you to the event. There is free parking after 6pm at CPP Car Parks and 3 hours free parking on weekends and public holidays at CPP Cultural Centre, Pier Street and His Majesty’s.
What about public transport?
The Elizabeth Quay busport and train station is a short walk from the event.
Are there any road closures for this event?
To facilitate the safe running of the event, the following road closures will be in place from 1:30pm until 11pm, or when roads are safe to open each night:
• Geoffrey Bolton Avenue, Duchess Way and Enchantress Way (3pm to 10pm)
• Birdiya Drive (1:30pm citybound to 11pm citybound). Access to Mounts Bay Road and the Freeway will remain open, with traffic controls in place.
• William Street (7pm to 9pm). Birdiya Drive will not be accessible during this time.
The City will ensure that impact to business is minimised and access to properties is maintained wherever possible however vehicle access is not permitted beyond 3pm on the above roads. The Esplanade will NOT be closed at any point throughout the day.
Where can I find a toilet?
Temporary toilets, including accessible portable toilets will be located at Barrack Square near the Belltower, and on Geoffrey Bolton Avenue near the Oyster building. The public toilets will also be open on the ground floor of the Oyster building and can be accessed on the west side near the water playground.
Is the event suitable for people with a disability?
Yes, the City of Light Show is suitable for people of all ages and abilities and everyone is encouraged to attend. Elizabeth Quay has various levels throughout the venue however an Accessible Viewing Area will be available near the Carousel on Geoffrey Bolton Avenue. Auslan Interpreting will be available in this area for the narration in the soundtrack.
How do I provide feedback?
While visiting the shows you may see staff from Culture Counts, engaging with visitors to obtain feedback on their experience at the City of Light Show. Please feel free to approach one of these staff members when they are available, so you can provide your feedback. Alternatively, the City of Perth welcome your constructive feedback. Please email info.city@cityofperth.wa.gov.au to email the City Events team.