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As construction continues for the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project, a new path detour will occur at Point Fraser. A section of the shared path, adjacent to the river, will be closed until late 2024, to facilitate safe marine works including access into the river for construction.
The existing path detour, implemented along the northern side of Riverside Drive in January 2024, will remain in place with temporary traffic management and controls. Path users will continue to be given priority to cross the closed section of Riverside Drive, which is currently open to construction traffic only.
Path users accessing these areas are advised to take extra care and follow signage. We thank you for your patience and apologise in advance for any inconvenience.

Figure 1 Path detours at Point Fraser – Effective mid-February 2024 until late 2024
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In preparation for constructing the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project, works are being undertaken at Point Fraser to relocate a key water pipeline which is over 100 years old. Path detours will be in place during these works to safely direct path users around the work area.
The shared path along Riverside Drive will be closed, with path users detoured around the work site via the temporary shared path and scaffold ramp along the foreshore. This detour will be in place from midday Tuesday 26th September 2023, for approximately three months.
Please always proceed with caution and adhere to signage throughout the area. We thank you for your patience and apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
Access to On the Point businesses, About Bike Hire, the CPP car park and the underpass to East Perth will be maintained.
If you have any questions, please contact 138 138 or email
More information about this project is also available on the project webpage and you can also subscribe for updates:
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In preparation for constructing the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project, ongoing investigation works will be undertaken on Riverside Drive and Adelaide Terrace at Point Fraser, prior to relocating a key water pipeline.
The works will be undertaken at night, requiring the closure of one westbound (citybound) lane on Riverside Drive and Adelaide Terrace just past the existing Causeway Traffic Bridge. Traffic will be detoured around the work site and traffic management will be put in place.
Riverside Drive and Adelaide Terrace Roadworks
• Monday 24 July 2023
• Nightworks - 8:00pm - 5.00am
• Westbound (citybound) lane closed
• Riverside Drive exit ramp closed
• Speed reduction to 40km/h near the works area
• Eastbound lanes will not be impacted

The reduction in speed and temporary lane closures are necessary to safely undertake the works. Road conditions may be unfamiliar so allow additional time to pass through this area.
Please always proceed with caution and adhere to the speed limit and signage throughout the area. We thank you for your patience and apologise in advance for any disruption or inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact 138 138 or email
More information about this project is also available on the project webpage and you can also subscribe for updates:
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In preparation for constructing the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project, works are being undertaken at Point Fraser to relocate a key water pipeline which is over 100 years old. These works commenced in May and are expected to be completed by October 2023.
Path detours – Stage 1 and Stage 2
Path detours will be in place during these works to safely direct path users around the work area. The detours will be established in stages over approximately six weeks in order to enable works at different locations. Please always proceed with caution and adhere to signage throughout the area. We thank you for your patience and apologise in advance for any inconvenience.
Access to On the Point businesses, About Bike Hire, the CPP car park and the underpass to East Perth will be maintained.
Stage 1: A portion of the shared path along Riverside Drive will be closed, with path users detoured around the work site and along the foreshore. This will allow for direct site access and site set up.
Approximate duration: Two weeks, starting Thursday 13 July 2023.

Figure 1 - Path Detour Stage 1 - Early July
Stage 2: A portion of the shared path along the foreshore will be closed, and path users will be detoured around the work site and to the path along Riverside Drive. This will allow for water pipe works.
Approximate duration: Two days in late July 2023.
Figure 2 - Path Detour Stage 2 - Late July
Further path detours will occur as the project progresses. More information will be provided in advance of these changes.
Vegetation impacts
A small amount of vegetation has been removed to enable access for machinery to conduct these works. As the project progresses, further removal of vegetation will be necessary to facilitate the construction of the bridge abutment on Point Fraser. Vegetation removed will be replaced or repurposed within the project site where possible. To find out more about how the Causeway Link Alliance is mitigating and managing environmental impacts, click here to view the Environment Fact Sheet.
Further information
If you have any questions, please contact 138 138 or email
More information about this project is also available on the project webpage and you can also subscribe for updates:
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To construct the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project, a path detour will be implemented at McCallum Park, restricting access to the foreshore in front of the works site for pedestrians and cyclists.
This will change how pedestrians and cyclists use the path network, with the detour now changing the network to one temporary shared path to safely direct path users around the work area. The detour will be in place from late June 2023 and will remain in place for the duration of the project, until the end of 2024.
As pedestrians and cyclists will be using the same path, please always proceed with caution and adhere to signage throughout the area. We thank you for your patience and apologise in advance for any inconvenience.