Why is the amendment proposed to be modified?
The Minister for Planning has directed the City of Perth to modify the amendment in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, and advertise the amendment for a minimum 21 days in accordance with Regulation 51 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The advertising period includes an additional 7 days to account for the excluded holiday period (Easter).
What are the next steps?
Following advertising, the amendment is required to be determined at an Ordinary Council Meeting before re-submission to the WAPC for final decision by the Minister for Planning.
Will the amendment affect the transition from CPS2 to a future Local Planning Scheme No.3?
The amendment has been assessed against Council Policy 3.5 and meets the criteria to be progressed ahead of the new scheme. The amendment will not affect or impact the transition from CPS2 to a future Local Planning Scheme.