What is a clearway?
A clearway is a section of road where vehicles are not permitted to stop for any reason during the restricted hours. Clearways are used to improve the flow of traffic and journey times for private vehicles and public transport users during peak traffic periods.
What times will the clearway operate?
The clearway will operate Monday to Friday between 7:30am – 9am. The existing parking restrictions on this section of Wellington Street will remain unchanged in the PM peak period meaning vehicles will be able to park on street as normal in the afternoon and evening.
Will I be able to park on the north side of Wellington Street?
The clearway will not affect the north side of Wellington Street where the existing parking restrictions will remain unchanged. This means people will be able to park in the bays on the north side Monday to Friday between 8am – 6pm for 3 hours, as well as at other times.
Will the clearway remain in place after the Armadale Line shutdown has finished?
The clearway will be reviewed by City of Perth on the completion of the Armadale Line works to see if it is still required.
Where can I find more information on the Armadale Line shutdown?
More information can be found on the METRONET and Transperth websites.