What measures are proposed as part of the project?

    Via Torre Lane is proposed to be converted from the current two way traffic flow to a one-way traffic flow. The entry to the laneway is proposed to be southbound from Newcastle St and exit onto Aberdeen Street. There will be pavement arrows and signs to indicate the direction of travel.

    What are the benefits of the project?

    • Vehicles will enter from Newcastle Street where the entrance to the laneway is wider showing more room to manoeuvre. 
    • The risk of property damage would be further reduced if vehicles only exit at Aberdeen Street.
    • Road safety will be improved including reduced parking congestion and conflicts between multiple vehicles using the laneway.
    • Improved movement and behaviour of traffic through and within the laneway.

    How will I be kept informed about progress of the project?

    As the project progresses, information about works will be made available via the Engage Perth website.

    How can I provide feedback about the project?

    If you would like to provide your feedback about this project, please fill out the 'Questions and Feedback' section below. Alternatively, you may contact the City of Perth via email info@cityofperth.wa.gov.au or call 08 9461 3333 by Friday 11 November 2022.