How are the tree species selected?

    Street tree species are determined by the City of Perth Street Tree Guide.  In general, new planting will match the existing tree species most commonly found within each street.

    Look out for these colourful tree tags in your local streets.  They help to identify where new trees have been planted and illustrate some of the benefits they can bring to your community.

    What are water harvesting tree pits?

    Where possible, trees are planted in water harvesting tree pits. These pits are designed to capture and filter storm water runoff from city streets to provide additional passive irrigation.

     They can help to promote better tree health and growth and are part of a more sustainable approach to water management and improved water quality.

    What were the previous years' plantings?

    Infill Street Tree Planting 2021

    Infill Street tree planting was carried out across a range of streets in Central Perth, Claisebrook and East Perth in 2021.  

    Crawley-Nedlands Infill Street Tree Planting 2020

    Infill street tree planting was completed in Crawley-Nedlands between April and October 2020.  

    West Perth Infill Street Tree Planting 2019

    Infill street tree planting was completed in West Perth between April and September 2019.  

    Further information on previous years' plantings can be found in relevant information flyers located in the Documents Library. 

    What collaborations are being implemented?

    WALGA Local Government Urban Canopy Grant Program

    Part of this year’s infill street tree planting program is supported by the Urban Canopy Grant program.  This initiative is funded by the Water Corporation and administered by WALGA, with the aim of expanding tree canopy in high urban heat risk areas. 

    The City of Perth successfully applied for funding to help plant new trees on Moore Street in Northbridge.  

    The planting site is located in one of the City's main temperature hotspot areas and has a low level of canopy cover. It is next to Perth Children's Court and the Fremantle to Perth Principal Shared Path; an important pedestrian and cycle route through the City.

    Increased shade from the new trees as they mature, will help create a more comfortable and inviting space for the community to use, and encourage people to walk and cycle in the city.

    Collaboration with Kings Park

    The year's planting on Park Avenue in Crawley-Nedlands is the result of a successful collaboration between the City of Perth and Kings Park and Botanic Garden.

    The new street trees have been grown up by the City, from seed stock provided by Kings Park.  This will help to ensure the genetic integrity of the existing tree population in Kings Park.