Where is Totterdell Park?
Totterdell Park is a neighbourhood park located in the north western corner of West Perth. It is bounded by Arthur Street to the north and Thomas Street to the west.
What facilities are currently available within the park?
The park currently provides seating, drinking fountain and a children’s playground, set within an open lawn area surrounded by pathways and garden beds. It is also available for hire for small, low impact events and social activities.
Why are we doing this survey?
In response to a Council resolution on 31 August 2021, the City of Perth is studying the levels of use and amenity in Totterdell Park.
As part of this study we are inviting residents and ratepayers in the immediate area to tell us about their use and enjoyment of the Park.
How will the consultation feedback be used?
The data collected in the survey will be used to inform Council decision making in early 2022 on any future enhancements or new amenities in Totterdell Park.
A summary report of what we heard from the community will be available on Engage Perth after the survey closes on 22 December 2021.
How do I learn more about Totterdell Park?
For more information, please open the link below: