Pier Street Car Park Gate Replacement
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The City of Perth is pleased to advise that the upgrade works to install new roller shutter doors at CPP Pier Street Car Park are scheduled from 8 January to 25 January 2024.
Date: Monday, 8 January 2024 – Thursday, 25 January 2024
Time: 9:00pm to 5:30am (Night Works)
The installation of new roller shutter doors at CPP Pier Street Car Park will have the following benefits:
- Address aged and damaged gates
- Improve operational requirements through remote access
- Mitigate maintenance costs
- Partial road and footpath closures will be in place to facilitate the works.
- Early closure of the car park may be required during these works. Prior notice will be provided to the car park users via the City’s website and physical signage in the car park.
- Access will be maintained for businesses, pedestrians and cars at all times. Please follow the directional signs around the work site.
- Mild level of noise from equipment being used to carry out the works.