Perth Riverfront

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The Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River) is one of Perth’s greatest assets, but the riverfront is underutilised and its potential as a world class destination has not been fully realised.

For this reason, the City of Perth has developed a Masterplan that provides a vision for future enhancement of the riverfront, that will significantly increase the appeal and amenity of the area for visitors and a growing city population.

The Masterplan was informed by a series of technical studies and extensive early community and stakeholder engagement, which was undertaken in 2020. The aim of this consultation was to understand the key themes and opportunities that are important to people when considering the future planning for the riverfront. The outcomes of this early community and stakeholder engagement are available here.

At its meeting on 27 August 2024, the City of Perth Council endorsed the Riverfront Masterplan, for the purposes of formal community consultation. A copy of the report that was presented to the Council can be found here.

A new Masterplan for the riverfront

The Riverfront Masterplan will provide a vision that will guide the City of Perth’s future planning and budgeting for components of the plan the City is able to fund and deliver on its own.

It will also be used to advocate for future funding and involvement by other parties, including other levels of government and the private sector.

The Masterplan is an indicative, high-level concept only – it is not intended to represent exact layout, scale, design or placement of infrastructure or landscaping at this stage. The Masterplan will evolve through more detailed technical investigation, due diligence, and feasibility.

Implementation will need to be phased over many years, subject to the availability of funding and the support of many stakeholders and the community.

While the Riverfront Masterplan establishes the City of Perth's vision, a whole of government approach will be required to implement this aspirational vision.

Next steps

Now that the Council has endorsed the Masterplan for the purposes of community consultation, the City will prepare for the formal consultation process, which is likely to commence towards the end of 2024.

Comments and suggestions from the community will not be captured until the formal consultation process commences, so anyone interested in having a say or sharing their views on the Masterplan are encouraged to register their interest by entering their details in the 'Stay Informed' box on the right to be kept updated on this project. When the formal consultation process commences, you’ll receive an email from the project team. We’re looking forward to your involvement in this exciting project.


The Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River) is one of Perth’s greatest assets, but the riverfront is underutilised and its potential as a world class destination has not been fully realised.

For this reason, the City of Perth has developed a Masterplan that provides a vision for future enhancement of the riverfront, that will significantly increase the appeal and amenity of the area for visitors and a growing city population.

The Masterplan was informed by a series of technical studies and extensive early community and stakeholder engagement, which was undertaken in 2020. The aim of this consultation was to understand the key themes and opportunities that are important to people when considering the future planning for the riverfront. The outcomes of this early community and stakeholder engagement are available here.

At its meeting on 27 August 2024, the City of Perth Council endorsed the Riverfront Masterplan, for the purposes of formal community consultation. A copy of the report that was presented to the Council can be found here.

A new Masterplan for the riverfront

The Riverfront Masterplan will provide a vision that will guide the City of Perth’s future planning and budgeting for components of the plan the City is able to fund and deliver on its own.

It will also be used to advocate for future funding and involvement by other parties, including other levels of government and the private sector.

The Masterplan is an indicative, high-level concept only – it is not intended to represent exact layout, scale, design or placement of infrastructure or landscaping at this stage. The Masterplan will evolve through more detailed technical investigation, due diligence, and feasibility.

Implementation will need to be phased over many years, subject to the availability of funding and the support of many stakeholders and the community.

While the Riverfront Masterplan establishes the City of Perth's vision, a whole of government approach will be required to implement this aspirational vision.

Next steps

Now that the Council has endorsed the Masterplan for the purposes of community consultation, the City will prepare for the formal consultation process, which is likely to commence towards the end of 2024.

Comments and suggestions from the community will not be captured until the formal consultation process commences, so anyone interested in having a say or sharing their views on the Masterplan are encouraged to register their interest by entering their details in the 'Stay Informed' box on the right to be kept updated on this project. When the formal consultation process commences, you’ll receive an email from the project team. We’re looking forward to your involvement in this exciting project.

Page published: 27 Aug 2024, 06:19 PM