- The scheme amendment will facilitate new residential development, which aligns with the Strategy’s Neighbourhood Priority for West Perth and will contribute to reaching West Perth’s residential dwelling target of 5,326 by 2036.
- The applicant has advised the site could provide 44 dwellings, consisting of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom dwellings and two penthouses. This is consistent with the Strategy, which seeks to create more diverse housing and three-bedroom dwellings to suit families.
- The scheme amendment relates to a small area of land, which is identified as an Intensification Investigation Area under the Strategy. Increasing plot ratio in an Investigation Intensification area does not present any unintended consequences or risk.
- The proposed base plot ratio of 4:1 is within the limits of growth envisioned in the draft LPS3, which includes a base plot ratio of 5:1 and up to 7:1 with plot ratio bonuses.
- The scheme amendment will facilitate a mixed-use development that will deliver additional commercial and residential development, which is consistent with the vision for the area under the West Perth Precinct plan.
- The buildings located on the subject site are at the end of their lifespan and not suitable for refurbishment. The applicant has submitted a dilapidation report confirming the state of the buildings.
What is a Special Control Area?
A Special Control Area (SCA) is a defined area of land, often comprising of multiple lots, that are subject to additional planning provisions. An SCA may introduce site specific development requirements and are often used to coordinate development across multiple lots. An SCA may introduce provisions that allow for the sharing of plot ratio, and coordinate matters such as vehicle parking, access, and egress across multiple lots. Where an SCA provision is inconsistent with any other Scheme provision, the provision of the SCA will usually prevail.
What does the Local Planning Strategy envision for this site?
The Local Planning Strategy (Strategy) identifies the subject site in an ‘Intensification Investigation Area’ with an indicative built form of ‘Medium-High Scale Mixed Use (<16 Storeys)’. The Neighbourhood Priority for West Perth includes increasing the residential population and delivering affordable and diverse housing.
Will the amendment affect the transition from CPS2 to a future Local Planning Scheme No.3?
The amendment will not affect or impact the transition from CPS2 to LPS3.
The draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) proposes a base plot ratio of 5:1 for the subject site. Noting the LPS3 shift in what is included in the calculation of floor area for plot ratio, and use of the R-Codes definition, it is considered the requested 4:1 for this site is sufficiently aligned with LPS3. As such no adjustment to what is being requested is necessary.
Does Amendment No.50 satisfy the criteria of Council Policy 3.5?
Council Policy 3.5 (CP 3.5) provides a framework to assess the appropriateness of initiating scheme amendments ahead of the new Local Planning Scheme (LPS3).
Amendment No. 52 satisfies the provisions of CP 3.5 for the following key reasons:
The strong strategic alignment with the Strategy provides the basis for the scheme amendment satisfying CP 3.5 and being progressed ahead of the LPS3.